Friday 20 September 2013

My travel plans - New York City or Canada?

I doubt if I will be traveling this year yet. My budget is not so bog, so I need to save some money and wait until I may hit the road again.

I am thinking of New York City. In my opinion, it is one of two really huge multicultural cities in the world - the second is London. Of course, like many people from Europe I know the city from movies which - I think - has little to do withe the reality. However this is what drives me to think I must be there, to see the true face of United States and New York City. It is not difficult to get there but prices are not so low. I checked New York City hotels and it seems like they are as expensive as in Norway. I doubt if I can afford this year or another.

New York City - Statue of Liberty
New York City - Statue of Liberty

Another thought was to go to Canada, specifficaly to Labrador Peninsula. This is one of those magical places I was dreaming of for years. Unfortunanetely it is even more expensive.

So first I gonna write this blog and maybe something will change and I will be able to go to New York and to Canada as well.

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